Original Published Date : July 4, 2018
If there has ever been a photo that captures accurately how it feels to be a technology challenged, fledgling writer while also trying to use my talents for God’s glory and to bless others- this is it. I saw this picture a few years ago and immediately thought “I feel you little penguin.” I died laughing. The expression on this woman’s face as she looks at little penguin on the steps is exactly how it feels like people look at me when I try to explain how and why my blog has been inaccessible for 4 months due to some technical glitch I cannot navigate. Also, a little backstory, I once told my children that I felt like a penguin was a sort of a mammal and well, all hysteria broke loose as OBVIOUSLY MOM, a penguin is a BIRD. But for real. Don’t they kind of seem like mammals with the mating for life and Morgan Freeman voice overs in their big movie a few years back??
So, in a miraculous turn of events the blog is back in working action and this little counselor who sometimes feels like a writer and other times feels like a mammal penguin in a world where everyone knows she is a bird, is back to writing. In my hiatus I have been reading. A lot. I am half way through the Bible thanks to my read scripture app! (And shout out to thebibleproject.com videos for helping me finally GET so many things I was missing in the big picture of God’s story) I have also read a few fun fiction books and some stuff on the brain (because in my fantasy life as a non penguin I would have liked to have been a neuro scientist because our brains are so AMAZING!) I also got to speak at the Women’s Retreat for my church on Functional Faith and that was just delightful and a joy.
Sometimes the weirdness of life is a reset and sometimes a shift in direction and other times it’s just weird. I have no idea why the ability to share my blog went MIA for most of this year, but I have gotten a lot of reading done and I feel energized about writing and sharing all the goodness and beauty and truth that the Lord has been revealing to me lately. And for those of you who have encouraged me to figure it out and get back to writing, thanks! Overlooking each other’s obvious limitations and seeing the potential and gifting instead- well that is a gift to offer a person and I am grateful to have received some of that this year.