
Debi Russell- Warrior Princess

New friends in India who learned the good news of Hope in Jesus as we sat and talked together.

New friends in India who learned the good news of Hope in Jesus as we sat and talked together.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2Cor. 4:7-9) 

Today I have one simple, but true thought: The King of the Universe houses His very Spirit in me. I don’t deserve it, I didn’t earn it and I can’t get rid of it if I try. And, because of His Spirit, it is shocking and outrageous what this middle-aged, small framed, slightly mushy mom of three can do. I do battle, face giants, overcome temptation and walk in victory- even on days when I screw up, sin  and fail royally. Maybe especially on those days. Because the bottom line is it’s not my power, wisdom, talent or righteousness that saves me or anyone else. Sometimes I want to rely on those traits, but when my heart is lined up with reality I know better. I do not want it to be my own strength I’m counting on when the chips are down. But by His Spirit I do not walk in fear. I do not become hopeless. I do not believe the lies that “I can’t stand this” or “My life isn’t making a difference”  or “I’m all alone in this battle.” 

There is a dark, hurting, disillusioned and broken world out there. Sin and pain run rampant and  people do horrible things to one another. Jesus did not lay down his life for me so I could enjoy a cozy, comfy existence. We’re in a battle and our weapons aren’t bullets, political slogans or t-shirts. They’re faith, hope and love. We don’t fight against people- we fight for them. And we don’t seek victory for our sake, but for His glory.